Wednesday 12 June 2024

GME Update

 This baby is ready to fly!

Dilution offering actually helped it shore up $4.2B in cash and no debt while its market cap is still only $12B!

Super hyped up knowing that we have DFV and CEO Ryan Cohen in deep with all of us retailers.

This is the closest I’ve come to community investing and seriously what a joyride it has been so far.

Hopefully it’ll make us all rich on the way too!

This was his latest update BEFORE the dilution completion was announced last night!

Subsequently jumped 22% wahahahahahahahahah let’s gooooooooo!

Tuesday 4 June 2024



RoaringKitty aka DeepFuckingValue finally posted his position on Reddit.

This time on the SuperStonk sub.

Not only has he held on to those positions he had three years ago, he’s added to those positions!

So now his positions in GME alone are worth $200m. In fact actually as of last night’s close it was closer to $300m.

What a legend.

If he exercised his options, he’d own almost 5% of GameStop!

Truly diamond hands! 💎🙌🚀🚀🚀

If he can do it, so can I.

Sunday 2 June 2024

GME Pumping

 Hoping my position in GameStop (GME) pumps!

Raised an additional $1B in cash.

No debt.

Results on June 11th.

Let’s gooooooo!