Monday 15 February 2021

Top Gainers & Losers 2021 January

 This is a new segment which I hope to do monthly.

Basically would like to chart the top gainers and losers trades for the year. 

January (and a little of February) has brought in some good gainers to offset my losers.

On the gainers front, the PayPal trade has recently paid off handsomely. Early January also managed to clock the First Resources trade to make some good money. The NASDAQ index gamble is quite a fluctuating one, so this might drop in and out of the list throughout the year.

On the losers front, they traditionally get dominated by the indices trades which waste a lot of my money. Obviously the Dow30 is one standout that's losing my tons of money in January. Made one stupid trade on DBS in late January as well which wasted my money basically, within a few days. And of course the worst trade was the big market event of the year so far, the $GME and $AMC event where GameStop stocks went crazy because of the Reddit sub called WallStreetBets. What a saga that was, and how I managed to turn a big win at the first instance, into such a big loss.

Here's hoping I don't clock any bigger losers, and instead clock larger and larger winners!

My Saxo P&L 2021 January

So it is a new year and I immediately dig a really deep hole for myself.

In January not only did I clock my first berserker rage of the year, which was really stupid, but also found myself about 3K down in my Saxo investment account.

Most of it due to unnecessary and over-trading of indices. 



Hopefully Feb will be better.