Sunday 23 January 2022

Market Correction

 As we start the new year, a sizable market correction is upon us.

Last week was one of the worst weeks in the US markets, with many stocks down more than 10%.

The crypto market fared even worse, with Bitcoin currently at 35K.

As more expectations of the US interest rates rises (3 expected this year), and Fed tapering by March, it is quite expected that markets are getting very jittery.

In fact I’m of the view that considering that the US basically printed 40% of extra USD in circulation in the last two years alone, the US has definitely a lot to pull back on.

This means that with its tapering, the market is purely left to market forces PLUS the Fed taking money out of the system. Which means a chunk of money in stocks surely exiting.

Does this mean the market is sure to drop for the next few months?

I unfortunately think so.

Stay safe, and hold cash.

The best trade in the second half of this year might just be a high yielding fixed deposit.

Thursday 6 January 2022

Crypto Accounts

 I have started cryptocurrency accounts now, and slowly building up some exposure to various cryptocurrencies. 

I'm currently using CoinHako as my main broker/wallet and as my secondary one.

Main coins I've plowed money in are BTC, ETH, SOL and DOT. 

Hopefully then keep growing in value!

My Saxo P&L 2021

 What a crummy year 2021 has been on this front.

My biggest losses since inception of these statistics in 2016.

Ended the year down $43.5K what a joke.

Hopefully I make it all back in 2022.

I also haven't been very disciplined with blogging on this blog.

So moving forward I think I'll just stop these monthly posts, since they're very similar content and I'm always late to post anyway.


Here's my more profitable trades and my biggest losses. Just look at how big my losses were.

Then here's a breakdown of all my losses by asset class AND over the course of the year haha. Everything I touch also loses money. Geez.

And here are my final stats overall.

It is high time I became more disciplined with my trades.

What this means is that I should be more proactive with penning my trade decisions in a journal. And the more I can do this, the better I will be with managing my FOMO gambling emotions.

Lets see if I can achieve that.